Remote Interviewing

  • Remote Interviewing is something that you're already asking about.
  • Tech tools for hiring

Remote Interviewing is something that you're already asking about. To answer those questions and give some objective advice we've been using and sharing an article by Strategy Consultant and Forbes contributor, Henry DeVries. Now on Forbes online, looks at the tools available to recruiters at this time but also points out some potential pitfalls. 

"Tech tools for hiring such as Zoom, Skype and Go-to-Meeting, just to name a few, have been a boon to remote job and consultant interviews. Seeing the candidate is so much better than just interviewing them by phone." 

"If you need workers, using Remote Interviewing will help with the social distancing that is needed during this time. You can successfully screen candidates remotely with the right process and tools and limit the in-person interaction."

You can read DeVries' full article and recommendations here.

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