Find academic science jobs in universities in Europe, including postdoctoral positions, research fellows and jobs requiring a science PhD.
Academic jobs in Austria (2), Belgium (1), Denmark (3), Finland (7), Germany (5), Italy (3), Multiple Countries (1), Netherlands (17), Outside Europe (1), Poland (1), Slovenia (1), Sweden (23), Switzerland (9) and United Kingdom (18).
Teaching duties include course responsibility and course administration and supervision of second- and third-cycle students. The teacher is expected to teach courses with a focus...
The position includes experimental molecular studies on the physiology of eukaryotic photosynthetic organisms. The successful candidate will teach courses in plant physiology...
The right candidate will develop, lead and conduct high-quality research within the subject. You will contribute to the scientific development in collaboration with the head of...
The applicant will be expected to primarily teach in animal molecular genetics, in addition to other components at first, second, and third cycle levels covering the subject. You...
This project is focused on developing broad-protective vaccines against Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV), a major avian coronavirus that threatens global poultry production...
The subject covers studies of the atmosphere or oceans, including their interactions, on spatial and temporal scales relevant for weather and climate. Research and in addition some...
You will work on developing and optimizing pore-forming toxins (PFTs) for selective cancer cell targeting. This will involve expressing and purifying PFTs, as well as performing...
Your research addresses fundamental questions in the broad area of molecular and cellular biology with a focus on eukaryotic systems from cells to whole organisms. You will join a...
This professorship is a supporting pillar in the Department of Physics, which is intended to cover research topics in theoretical physics in the field of Functional and Quantum...
We are seeking a talented postdoctoral researcher to identify and characterize novel regulators of autophagy and metabolic homeostasis. Building on our recent discoveries, the...
The tenure-track professorship is embedded in the research and teaching activities of the Institute for Water and Environment (IWU) and focuses on integrating all components of the...
NeuroNanotech is a doctoral network funded by the European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) that will train eleven researchers to tackle one of the major challenges in...
You will work on translational research focused on the transplantation of primary human pancreatic and stem cell-derived insulin-producing cells. You will be part of the in vivo...
The incumbent will be responsible to lead and supervise a multidisciplinary research group focussed on vaccine technologies and their application to improve prophylaxis against...
Identifying specific vulnerabilities in chemoresistant lymphomas and leukemias to develop novel synthetic lethality-based therapies, with a focus on MYC, BCL-2, MCL-1, and DNA...
Operate, maintain and modify, when necessary, a quantum memory experimental setup including tuneable lasers, cryocoolers, vacuum systems, arbitrary waveform generators for the...
In this project you will develop new crosslinking functionalities employing reactive functionalities which are intrinsically non-toxic, and, at the same time, introduce a form of...
The successful candidate will investigate how alterations in the levels of mucins and their biochemical/biophysical properties, and changes in mucus composition and properties...
Tasks in the project will include cultivation of endothelial cell lines and endothelial cells from various human tissues, as well as mapping and phenotypic characterization of...
The right candidate will support the agroecological transition through application of omics technologies on plant genetic resources. You should have experience in the field of...
The tenure-track professorship completely covers the field of X-ray microscopy and coherent X-ray imaging, from theoretical concepts to methodological and instrumental developments...
In this project, we propose a completely new approach for H2 spectroscopy. For the first time, we will trap a cold sample of H2. We will consider two approaches: superconducting...
Understanding the molecular mechanisms by which mobile genetic elements (MGEs) move between and within genomes. We aim to explore their biological impact on genome remodeling and...
Create mutant potato plants impaired in E-2-hexenal perception or hexenal isomerase (HI) activity using CRISPR/Cas9-technologies. Validate the effect of mutations (in HI and...
The candidate will lead the development of spectroscopic methods for the characterization of linear and non-linear metasurfaces. The candidate will have the opportunity to...
The postdoc will gather and explore trends and variation in crop yields, soil properties, resource use and climate, using data from long-term agricultural field experiments which...
You will be the key person in the comprehensive development of the Imaging Unit, including the enhancement of its operations and services. Your responsibilities will also include...
The subject is One Health with focus on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in domesticated animals (dogs, cats, horses, poultry, cattle, sheep, goats, reindeer and pigs). The subject's...
Design, operation and maintenance of bioreactors, such as photobioreactors, fluidized bed bioreactors and electro-microbial bioreactors for production of fuels/specialty chemicals...
The holder of the position shall act in accordance with the vision, goals and basic values of SLU; contribute to the strategic development of the department, the faculty and SLU...
You will explore the use of tightly focused laser beams and their interaction with crystals of trapped ions to realize new ways to prepare and control qubits. We will make...