Develop AI models to enhance and automate decision making and enable predictive/prescriptive analytics. Define opportunities to push frontiers of AI research in manufacturing....
You will lead and conduct research in Industry 5.0 smart manufacturing solutions and integrating digital technologies with AI-enabled physical production systems that promote...
Research into novel human-centric framework for robotic task learning and optimization; Work with a team of scientists and engineers to develop and enhance different machine...
Lead and conduct research in modelling and optimization of enterprise multi-resource planning. Research into innovative optimization algorithms to efficiently solve multi-resource...
This role involves working with ROS 2, Robotics Middleware Framework (RMF), and other state-of-the-art technologies to develop and deploy scalable robotic systems for industrial...
Space-Careers is a specialist niche job board made for space industry professionals. We have space industry jobs for international job seekers in companies ranging from large multinationals to cutting-edge start-ups. Find jobs in Ground Systems, Software Development, Consulting, Engineering, Satellite Operators, Launch Systems, Space Business Services, and more.
EuroTechJobs is the job board for software development and tech jobs all over Europe for international jobseekers and English speakers in multinational companies. Jobs in Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, UK and more European countries. Find jobs as a C++, Java, Perl, PHP or Python developer using Oracle, SQL, Linux, Unix and more...