The subject covers studies of the atmosphere or oceans, including their interactions, on spatial and temporal scales relevant for weather and climate. Research and in addition some...
EuroClimateJobs is the job board for climate and renewable energy jobs all over Europe. We have climate and renewable energy jobs for international jobseekers and English speakers in multinational companies in Europe. Climate and Renewable Energy jobs in Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, UK and more. Jobs in Europe in climate and energy regulation and policy, energy, environment, renewable energy, solar energy, sustainable finance, wind energy.
Space-Careers is a specialist niche job board made for space industry professionals. We have space industry jobs for international job seekers in companies ranging from large multinationals to cutting-edge start-ups. Find jobs in Ground Systems, Software Development, Consulting, Engineering, Satellite Operators, Launch Systems, Space Business Services, and more.