Postdoctoral Researcher in Statistical Ecology

Postdoctoral Researcher in Statistical Ecology

University of Jyväskylä

Jyväskylä, Finland

The Department of Biological and Environmental Science is currently seeking to recruit candidate for POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER IN STATISTICAL ECOLOGY. The position starts on 1st September 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter and is fixed-term of three years.

We are seeking a highly motivated researcher with backgrounds in statistics, machine learning, computer science or mathematics, with an interest in developing novel methods for analyzing ecological data. The successful candidate will join Academy Professor Otso Ovaskainen’s research team at the Department of Biological and Environmental Science, University of Jyväskylä. The working environment involves a high amount of other international and multidisciplinary collaboration. Ovaskainen leads the international ERC-synergy project LIFEPLAN 2020-2026 (“Planetary Inventory of Life”) that combines a global biodiversity sampling campaign (based on DNA-, audio- and image-based methods) with the development of bioinformatics and statistical methods for big ecological data.

Who we are looking for

You are the person we are looking for if you have a Doctoral degree, or are about to obtain a Doctoral degree in statistics, machine learning, computer science or mathematics, and if you have an interest in applying your skills in the context of biodiversity research. Alternatively, you may have a Doctoral degree, or are about to obtain a Doctoral degree in ecology, and are experienced in applying advanced statistical methods in biodiversity research. While the exact application field can be selected based on the expertise and interests of the applicant, we are particularly interested in the development and/or applications of joint species distribution modelling (see e.g., Ovaskainen and Abrego 2020: Joint Species Distribution Modelling – With Applications in R. Cambridge University Press).

The applicant is expected to have excellent written and oral communication skills and to be able to work independently. The duties, qualification requirements and language skills of the postdoctoral researchers are stipulated by the University of Jyväskylä Regulations and language skills guidelines. A good command of English is required and a proficiency to teach in English will be considered beneficial. The PhD degree required for the position must have been completed before starting the position. A trial period of six months will be used in the beginning of the employment.

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Finland      Academic      Computing/Programming      Data Science      Earth Science      Environment      Mathematics      Maths and Computing      Postdoc      Statistics      University of Jyväskylä     

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