Postdoctoral Position in Development of Environmental Enrichment and Optimization of Zebrafish Rearing

Postdoctoral Position in Development of Environmental Enrichment and Optimization of Zebrafish Rearing

Uppsala University

Uppsala, Sweden

The research group in behavioural neuroendocrinology, which is headed by Professor Svante Winberg, uses zebrafish as a model for studies on behavior, and neuroendocrine stress responses. We will now recruit a postdoc for a new project on the development of environmental enrichment and optimization of zebrafish rearing.


Zebrafish (Danio rerio) is rapidly becoming one of the most popular model organisms in biomedical research. In Sweden, zebrafish is next to mice the most frequently used species in animal experiments. From first being established as a model organism for studies on embryonic development, the use of zebrafish in other fields of biomedical research is now rapidly increasing. As a result, the use of adult fish is increasing, which puts higher demands on fish rearing and welfare.

Today laboratory housing of zebrafish is clearly focused on hygiene and high throughput. Fish are reared in barren, transparent tanks, usually at high densities. This is a very poor environment for the fish, which is likely to have negative effects not only on fish welfare but also on the quality of the results obtained, since a barren and stressful environment will affect development and behavior of the fish. The recommendations and regulations in use today, concerning tank sizes and fish densities, are totally arbitrary and lack scientific background. In most cases zebrafish rearing facilities do not use any environmental enrichment in the tanks, even though this is required according to the Europeanconvention no. 123, and Swedish regulations.

As a postdoctoral fellow you will perform behavioral studies in zebrafish combined with molecular, neurochemical and biochemical analysis. You will also evaluate the results, perform statistical analysis and prepare manuscripts for publication in scientific journals. In addition, you may participate in supervising master and project students in the lab.


PhD degree in biology (physiology, ethology, zoology, behavioral ecology, or similar) or a foreign degree equivalent to a PhD degree in one of these subjects. The degree needs to be obtained by the time of the decision of employment. Those who have obtained a PhD degree three years prior to the application deadline are primarily considered for the employment. The starting point of the three-year frame period is the application deadline. Due to special circumstances, the degree may have been obtained earlier. The three-year period can be extended due to circumstances such as sick leave, parental leave, duties in labour unions, etc.

FELASA certificate. Experience of statistical analysis and behavioral studies is required.

Additional qualifications

  • Experience of working with fish
  • Experience of biochemical analysis
  • Experience of molecular techniques

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