Consultant - Biologicals for Crop Resilience and Protection

Consultant - Biologicals for Crop Resilience and Protection

IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency

Seibersdorf, Austriа

Main Purpose

The aim of this consultancy is to develop a pipeline for the screening and mutation of microorganisms for use in agricultu re to improve plant performance against biotic and abiotic stress. Using the example of Fusarium wilt and banana, the knowledge gained in the screening of microbial mutants will be passed on to member states. Over next year, PBG will organize workshops to provide member states with tools to generate mutations and to test them effectively for their improved properties. To this end, protocols and handouts produced so that Member States researchers are able to carry out the work independently at their home institutes. Also, the consultancy will contribute to development of enabling tools and technologies for research on biologicals, selection and maintenance of suitable microbial cultures and standardizing protocols for microbial mutation and mutant selection. Additional responsibilities may include molecular characterization of the biological agents; data analysis; and development of Special Operating Procedures (SOPs).

Functions/Key Results Expected

  • Contribute to the selection of microorganisms for the control of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense in Banana. Improving best strains by mutagenesis via gamma radiation and electron beam;
  • Developing a fast and reliable screening system to find improve strains after mutation;
  • Carry out the sequencing of wild and best mutant strains, to find the mode of actions and to check for the safe application in agriculture. Development of strain specific primers for the identification of the strain;
  • Provide expertise in the development of protocols and handouts for workshops, leading one workshop;
  • Provide technical expertise in the establishment of a microbial mutation and screening facility at the Plant Breeding and Genetics Laboratory (PBGL).

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

  • Plant Biotechnology;
  • Plant Breeding and Genetics.

Qualifications and Experience

  • Advanced University Degree (master's) in Molecular Biology;
  • Minimum five years experience in Microbiology, Molecular Biology;
  • Expertise and proven knowledge and experience in the development of microorganisms for disease biocontrol. Knowledge in the isolation, characterization and testing of microorganisms for use in agriculture;
  • Proficiency in all current molecular biology and microbial techniques. Experience in the field of microbe/plant interaction and testing of microorganisms in vitro and in planta;
  • Knowledge on the safe selection of bacterial strains, to use in agriculture. Basic bioinformatics knowledge to analyze genomes and develop primers to detect the microorganism in planta;
  • Mastery of data analysis in R.

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