Research Associate for the Project “CAP7” Ocean Carbon Cycle for Contribution to CMIP7

Research Associate for the Project “CAP7” Ocean Carbon Cycle for Contribution to CMIP7

University of Hamburg - Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences

Hamburg, Germany

Your responsibilities

Duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

The project “German Contribution to ClimAte Projections for CMIP7 - AR7 Fast Track: DECK and ScenarioMIP Simulations” (CAP7) funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF) aims to make a highly visible national contribution to CMIP7 with the Earth system models developed and applied in Germany. In this sub-project, the ICON model, in a new configuration developed for simulations on climate-relevant time scales named ICON-XPP (eXtended Prediction and Projection) will be further developed. In addition, in ICON-XPP the nitrogen cycle and the interactive carbon cycle are also implemented, so that emission-driven climate projections, which are recommended as preferred in CMIP7, can be carried out for the first time.

The main focus of this project part at Universität of Hamburg will to enhance the representation of ocean biogeochemical processes and carbon storage in the Hamburg Ocean Carbon Cycle Model (HAMOCC). HAMOCC will be tested and calibrated in ICON-XPP, in concentration-driven simulations, as well as in the model configuration enabled by interactive representation of air-sea and air-land CO2 fluxes and prognostic representation of CO2 concentration the in the atmosphere. With these novel simulations we aim to assess the representation of carbon-climate feedbacks and ocean storage of carbon under changing CO2 emissions.

Successful candidate will be part of a vibrant research group “Modeling the carbon cycle in the Earth system” working in Earth system modeling focusing on the ocean carbon cycle. Responsibilities will include:

  • consolidate the HAMOCC model code, extended by previously developed new processes, on decadal to centennial time scales in ICON-XPP;
  • prepare HAMOCC configuration for simulations with interactive carbon cycle;
  • perform simulations to evaluate the ocean carbon cycle against observations over historical time;
  • contribute to CMIP7 simulations by coordinating the performance of the ocean carbon cycle model;
  • analyze ocean carbon storage and carbon-cycle climate feedbacks in simulations following the CMIP7 protocol;
  • integrate and test the atmospheric CO2 tracer in the interactively coupled ICON-XPP simulations;
  • disseminating the results through publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at conferences.

Your profile

A university degree in a relevant field, plus doctorate.

  • a PhD in oceanography, geoscience, environmental sciences, or a related field is required for this position;
  • compelling understanding of ocean biogeochemical dynamics, in particular regarding its role in Earth’s climate;
  • experience with ocean carbon cycle models, skill in model development;
  • strong programming skills in Fortran, post-processing and visualization software (e.g., python, CDO), as well as experience in handling large data sets;
  • strong communication and organizational skills and an ability to effectively communicate results of scientific research to project members and international colleagues.

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