PostDoc Bioinformatician

PostDoc Bioinformatician

IEO - European Institute of Oncology

Milan, Italy

Metastatic disease causes over 90% of cancer deaths, but targeted therapies are lacking due to limited understanding of its molecular mechanisms. Both genetic (SNVs and chromosome instability) and non-genetic (transcriptional reprogramming) factors contribute to metastasis, with unknown links between chromosome instability, transcriptional reprogramming, and metastasis. This project aims to investigate whether chromosome rearrangements and SNVs at GRHL2 enhancers disrupt genome architecture, weakening epithelial transcriptional programs and promoting metastatic phenotypes. Using advanced bioinformatic tools, the candidate will reconstruct GRHL2-enhancer interactions, identify relevant genes, and assess clinical significance in large patient cohorts, potentially impacting cancer research and personalized oncology.


  • PhD in bioinformatics, computational biology or similar
  • Programming skills in R and/or python
  • Experience in ChIPseq and bulk RNAseq data analysis and interpretation
  • Experience in Hi-C and HiChIP data analysis and interpretation
  • Experience in small and structural variant analysis
  • Proficient in Unix system

Nice to have:

  • Experience in scRNAseq data analysis
  • Experience with pipeline manager (NextFlow, SnakeMake etc..)
  • Experience with HPC

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Italy      Academic      Bioinformatics      Biology      Computing/Programming      Maths and Computing      On-site      Postdoc      Statistics      IEO - European Institute of Oncology     

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