Environment Jobs in Estonia

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Environment jobs

  • Postdoctor in Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity

    SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
    Umeå, Sweden

    During the two-year postdoc project you will focus on how different forest management strategies (BAU, prolonged rotation, higher proportion of deciduous trees, continuous cover...

    Posted 2 days ago    Deadline 23 September
  • Postdoctoral Fellow in Foams from Organic Waste

    Stockholm University - Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
    Stockholm, Sweden

    The postdoctoral fellow is expected to identify and upcycle fibrillar and polymeric starting materials from organic waste, develop environmentally benign processing and...

    Posted 9 days ago    Deadline 23 September
  • Postdoc: Clean Water and Energy Transition Pathways

    Utrecht University - Faculty of Geosciences
    Utrecht, Netherlands

    You will develop clean water and energy transition pathways, jointly with key stakeholders at a regional and global scale. You will develop methodological frameworks for...

    Posted 10 days ago    Deadline 3 October
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